A Trinity of Uses to calm your Childs busy brain with
Hugs, Scent and Breath practise

Lavenderbuddy hasn't left her side for a second since he came, she's even having afternoon naps which were a thing of the past. She snuggles up to him and loves the smell of the Lavender.
Gemma McKay, UK
If you have kids and are in isolation then Lavenderbuddy is a must have tool. P has been a little trooper through this whole ordeal with such uncertainty and change, she's faced moments of anxiety, worry and fear. The Lavenderbuddy creates a calmimg affect from the scent of real lavender within it and provides a friend/sleeping buddy.
The package includes a book bringing the Bears meaning to life and the affirmation cards match the chakra colours on the bear and in the book.
All of which, teach your child to find their own self love, strength and confidence by themselves. Tonight was our first night having Lavenderbuddy and are so excited for many more.
Emma, UK

Check out what our little buddies have said about Lavenderbuddy...

Daniel who is 2 loved to cuddle and smell the bear, loved to point at the chakras and tell us the colours. Although he didn't understand the full meaning of the book, he loved the pictures and finding Lavenderbuddy in the book.
Chloe who is 9 completely understood the book and found out a really lovely story. During these worrying times, being able to help her to change her negative feelings into positive ones has been a great help. It has helped her understand her feelings and emotions better and how she can manage them by herself, but can come to us if she needs help also.
They both loved the smell of the bear.
It has been a lovely story to share with my children.
Lyndsey, UK

My Ollie has loved having Lavenderbuddy as his new friend. He has him in the car everywhere we go especially school runs and every night at bedtimes.
He loved the story in the Book and is using his I AM cards. He will say.."I AM brave if he is attempting something he is not sure of, instead of saying "I cant do it".
We are looking forward to using with Ollie for a long time!
Kelly N, UK
Lucia is really attached to her rabbit but has embraced Lavenderbuddy and takes him everywhere with her. He gives her a sense of "home" when she is away and it has helped her sleep. She is an avid reader and we loved the story.
She is practising daily with her cards and I am so grateful for this tool that has helped her in so many ways!
Highly recommended!
Lucy, UK